Architectural, Interıor, Urban Design

Page : About us

About us


Ayşın Okuldaş Architecture is an Istanbul based office that serves in architectural, interior & urban design projects from concept to construction phase. Each project is handled as a unique case, and innovative ideal solutions are presented within the context.

In addition to conceptual and constructional projects, AoA provides construction & purchase consultancy. The firm has gained experience in a range of scaled projects both national and international.  AoA is aimed to minimize technical defects with detailed and meticulous projects. Works in coordination with statical, mechanical, electrical and acoustic engineers in projects.


Born in Van, in 1985. Graduated from Middle East Technical University Architectural Degree Program, in 2008 and continued to architectural education in Italy, in 2009. Completed graduation project on “Re-conservation of Historical Urban Areas” at Politecnico di Bari / Italy.

Worked with Metin Hepgüler in 2009-2011 and with Pronil Architecture in 2012. Participated to many projects as; Hotel, Housing, Shopping Malls, Industrial Buildings, from design to construction phase.Completed Urban Design Master Degree Program at Istanbul Technical University, in 2012. Prepared graduation thesis on “User Needs in public Squares”.

Joined to Sembol Construction team for 97000 m2 Nazarbayev University Campus Project in Astana, in 2013. Assigned as Design Office Coordinator to Auditorium Blocks, Educational Blocks, Laboratory Blocks and Atrium.

Returned back to Turkey in 2015 and continued professional life at her own firm.